Friday, February 24, 2012

Welcome, welcome!

This is my decorating blog! So welcome to the new world of tips, ideas and easy ways to decorate your home totally awesome! I have a lot of people asking me questions about the way I decorate and how I do it, so follow my blog for some tips to help you out in your decorating process! If you have specific questions that you would like me to answer in one of my daily posts feel free to shoot me an email at:

I thought I would start off with something really simple that I am a strong believer of rules. I believe that the way to give a room a certain feel is how you cluster pictures, decor items and even furniture.

Rule of keeping it simple

If you are going for more of a modern "feel" I always say less is more, if that is what you are going for keep it simple! When it comes to decor items use very little and always keep them similar colors, modern is clean lines and simplicity.

Rule of symmetry 

Symmetry plays a huge part in decorating, in the image below the "mirror effect" was used, as if cutting the mantle right down the middle on either side it is the same and then an item placed in the center as a focal point. This gives a homey yet still modern feel.

Rule of cluster not clutter

When I decorated the mantle in my family room I wanted to give it a homey feel with out over doing it, as a decorator I love putting things to one side and giving the area an off balance look, it keeps the eye moving. When decorating in a cluster, try different ideas and always step about 10 feet back to see the section as a whole.

Also, when during the cluster feel try going from tallest object to smallest object (i.e. in the picture the tall vase to the small camera). This will draw the eye into the center.

In many ways, decorating is like painting, make sure to focus on the rules that will make your decorating or "artwork" pleasing to the eye! Thanks for reading!


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